Sugar Confectionery
Gummies and Jellies
Gummies and jellies traditionally rely on gelatine as the gelling agent. However, there is an increasing demand for new textures as well as plant-based alternatives to the classic gummy. A development that can be fully supported by KMC's solutions.
Gelamyl potato starches from KMC are the ideal alternatives – with no worries about supply bottlenecks or price bumps.
Ingredients for gummies and jellies
100, 300 and 800 series
Chewy candy
Fruit chews and other chews are popular confectionery products around the globe. Often gelatine is added to achieve the desired texture. With KMC's solution, it is possible to produce gelatine free chewy confectionery while maintaining a good balance between chewiness and softness as well as a long shelflife

Ingredients for chewy candy
100, 300 and 800 series
Extruded products like liquorice often contain wheat flour which does not correspond well with consumers' growing disapproval of gluten. At KMC we offer solutions for gluten-free molded liqorice products as well as work on developing solutions for extruded products.
Ingredients for liquorice
3000, 4000 series
KMC's starch solutions give you the opportunity to make a hard pastille with excellent clarity without expensive gum arabic
Ingredients for pastilles