May 2021

Danish quality and innovation award

In May KMC received the Danish quality and innovation award “Den Dybe Tallerken” by Danish Food Forum


Written by Helle Bækgaard Ågren


Creating awareness
The purpose of the award is to create awareness around innovation and quality in the Danish food sector. Moreover, to encourage companies, organizations or people who work towards making long-sighted improvements within innovate food solutions and to inspire quality, innovation and sustainability in the Danish food sector.


Ambitious strategy
Chairman of the board of Danish Food Forum, Mette Jasper Gammicchia, handed the award to KMC’s CEO Jesper Burgaard. Mette Jasper Gammicchia emphasized that “KMC has done a very visionary job regarding sustainability (..) KMC has followed an ambitious strategy, focusing on replacing animal commodities with potato-based ingredients, today KMC is a strong collaboration partner when it comes to food manufacturers developing plant-based food. That is why KMC is very worthy of the award Den Dybe Tallerken 2020”.


Recognition from the food industry
Jesper Burgaard stated that “At KMC we are very glad to receive Den Dybe Tallerken, as it is a recognition from our own colleagues in the industry – people who are specialist in our field. We are glad that the food industry has seen and recognized our business model which is built on innovation and circular economy. Two very important topics which short-sighted and long-sighted has defined and developed KMC’s strong position in the plant-based ingredients market”.










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