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More potato protein in feed for danish agriculture

To reduce the use of imported feed protein, KMC aims to supply 10,000 tons of potato protein to Danish agriculture by 2024/25. 

Written by KMC

6,400 tons. That is how much potato protein KMC supplied to Danish agriculture in 2021/22. Thus, we have made significant progress towards delivering 10,000 tons of potato protein by 2024/25.

At KMC, we have gone out of our way to dispel old myths about potato protein. New knowledge about the product’s positive properties as feed for piglets and other livestock has been very well received by the industry, which acknowledges the benefits of a sustainable alternative to imported feed protein – especially as the potato protein is also competitively priced. 

Being able to use Danish-produced raw materials with a low climate footprint is highly relevant, and many Danish livestock farmers even grow their own potatoes. In other words, the potato protein is returned to them as feed for their animals – which makes good sense.

More awareness on potato protein
KMC’s product is called PotaPro 1500, and it is included in SEGES Innovation’s feedstuffs table, which is consulted by farmers. This is a stamp of approval and helps raise awareness. Additionally, KMC has done some research and carried out feeding trials with varying doses of potato protein, where higher doses of the protein have been shown to have a positive effect. 

KMC has also conducted trials with potato starch, another ingredient that can be used in compound feed. This not only binds the feed better together; it ensures that feed mixtures contain even more Danish raw materials. 

Local ingredients
KMC has a goal of supplying more potato protein for Danish feed mixtures, because protein is typically a major component of feed, but is often imported. Here, potato protein can play an important 
role, as the potatoes are grown in Denmark and the protein is extracted from a side stream of existing potato starch production. This enables the extraction of Danish-produced protein without adding to the area of land used for agriculture or increasing the environmental impact.

It is not just about achieving our goal of supplying 10,000 tons of potato protein annually, but about ensuring sustainable development in agriculture. Therefore, KMC is engaged in several exciting projects, looking for example into ways of expanding the use of potato protein to other livestock groups.

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